Frequently Asked Questions

The best answers for all the most asked questions.

What is TestFit?

A simple generative design and co-creation tool that allows a user to get a site TestFit in seconds for multifamily development. 

How much does TestFit cost?

Visti our pricing page or contact us at: 

How does TestFit work?

TestFit uses a proprietary algorithm to generate a building given the users specifications.

Where is TestFit Headquartered?

Dallas, Texas

Who uses TestFit?

TestFit users are architects, brokers, contractors, developers, or anyone wanting to do feasibility studies.

Is the software web based?

TestFit is an application that is downloaded and installed onto a mac or pc. It does require an internet connection for license checks.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Send an email to or use the login portal.

Will I get access to the most updated version?

All updates are free for users. Every update to the software will need to be downloaded and installed from our licensing website.

What are the saving options?

TestFit can be saved as: .pdf, .csv, .dxf, sketchup, .glTF, & .rsd (TestFit file)

Note for iOS users: File Save -> save as -> filename.pdf, filename.rsd, filename.csv, etc. Your computer will only read the file if you have an application or software to read that file type.

Can TestFit compare design options?

Yes, you can use schemes to create and compare design options.

Will the TestFit team create custom features for my organization?

At this time there is only one active and supported branch of the software at any time. This means all new features will be developed for every customer and everyone will benefit. Feel free to submit a feature request.

Is there integration between Revit/Autocad and TestFit?

TestFit can export the open .dxf format which can be read by most CAD-based software tools. TestFit buildings can also be imported into Revit and SketchUp using the respective add-ins. The TestFit team has also built several dynamo nodes that make building a BIM much easier.

Learn more here.

What version of dynamo/grasshopper is TestFit built on?

TestFit is built, by us, from the ground-up.

Can I set my own tabulations?

faq tabulations

At this time, because the tabulations are calculated from the site parameters, custom tabulations are not supported.

How do I change the resolution of TestFit?

You can change the UI scale in the preferences.

Is there a dark mode?

Yes. In the preferences, you can toggle between light and dark modes.