Building typologies define the preset parameters and configurator that will be used in your project.
TestFit has 7 typologies and associated configurators, to help generate site and buildings according to the presets in the configurator.
The 7 typologies are:
- Higher Density
- Lower Density
- Parcels
- Core-based
- Garden Homes
- Mass based Buildings
- Industrial Buildings
- Datacenter
Within each typology there are specific building types to choose from.
High Density
- Gurban - 4 story urban units with surface parking
- Infill Podium - 5 story building with fill structured parking with smaller units and parking
- Infill Unparked - 5 Story Building with no parking on site with smaller unit sizes
- Podium - 5 story building with fill structured parking
- Podium with Wrapped Units - 5 Stories of Building above Structured Parking with Units wrapping the garage
- Precast Podium - 5 Story Building above Structured Rectangular Parking
- Structured Parking - Structured Parking Garage
- Tower - Same as a podium, but 18 stories above structured parking
- Unparked - 5 Story Building with no parking on site
- Wrap - 5 story buildings surrounding rectangular structured parking
Lower Density
- Duplex - Two units per building, 10' between buildings
- Single Family - 1 unit per building. 10' between buildings
- Townhomes - 3 stories, 4 units per building, 10' between buildings
- Parcel with Fixed Building - Specific footprint size with flexible parcel size
- Parcel with Max Building - 3 parcel types with a target footprint area
- Parcels- 3 parcel types without building footprints

- Infill Office Site - Non-orthographic building that allows single loaded corridors
- Spec Office - Orthographic building, fully encapsulated core
- Tower Office - 25 floors, large vertical circulation
- Custom Garden Outline - 3 story Garden Massing Outline with surface parking
- Garden - 3 story prototypical building with surface parking
- Basic - Massing space with Data
- Blank - An empty site for Urban Planning
- Office - Fills site with parking and adds a single box for office with a void space as a plaza
- Park - Fills sire with a green space/park
- Retail - Fills site with parking and adds a single box for retail
- Retail Plaza - Fills site with parking and adds 2 retail boxes and a void space as a plaza
- Surface Parked - Site filled with surface parking
- Cross-loaded, Parked - Max 80 bays deep/wide, cross-loaded, no parking
- Double-Loaded, Parked - 11 bays deep/wide, double-loaded, parked
- Prototype 3x6 -Prototypical 3x6 bay, single-loaded, parked
- Single-Loaded, Max Building - Max 80 bays deep/wide, single-loaded, no parking
- Single-Loaded, Parked - 5 bays deep, single-loaded, parked
- Urban Infill , No Parking - Single-loaded, no ring road, no parking
- Data Centers - Large Dbl Load No Office- Large site with double loaded datacenters
- Data Centers - Large Double Loaded - Large site with double loaded datacenters
- Data Centers - Large Single Load No Office - Large site with single loaded datacenters
- Data Centers - Large Single Loaded - Large site with single loaded datacenters
- Data Centers - Small - Small site with datacenters
- Data Centers - Small No Office - Small site with datacenters