Exporting Data
TestFit allows for several methods of exporting data
- .csv - tabular data is saved to a .csv format (for import to excel)
- .dxf - the currently selected site with currently selected floor plan will be saved out to a layered DXF. The DXF file format (similar to .dwg) is most commonly used in CAD software like Autocad.
- If geolocate DXF export (WGS84) is turned on in TestFit > Preferences, the exported file will be in WGS84 latitude and longitude coordinates. Otherwise it will use the file coordinate system and units of measurement.
- .glTF - saves the 3d modelview
- .pdf - existing model is out to floor plans in a pdf. This option launches a dialogue box for preferred PDF settings (like paper size and scale).
- .skp - existing massing model from 3d view will be saved to a sketchup file. Each stacked building element exports as a component. Individual buildings export as model groups.
To export, go to File > Export and then select the file type.
- .rsd is the native TestFit file type