Industrial Manual Mode

Easily customize your industrial site by manipulating and adding warehouses to your site

Manual mode allows you to take control and customize the default layouts that TestFit places.

Editing Warehouse size 

  1. Select the preset layer (Single-Loaded, Max Building).
  2. In canvas, a blue box will encompass the building, trailer yard, and any onsite parking.
  3. At the midpoint of the encompassing box will be a white grip. Click and drag in any direction to resize the building. Each side of the blue box has this grip.

Adding Another Warehouse

You can also add buildings within manual mode.

Rotating and Moving a Warehouse

With the preset layer selected, each individual warehouse has a handle that can be used to move or rotate the building.

  • Use the left mouse key (click and hold) to move the warehouse.
  • Use the right mouse key (click and hold) to rotate the warehouse.

Resetting Manual Changes

A red M will appear at the end of the layer indicating manual adjustment have been made to the site. Click the red M to remove any and all manual edits that have been made to the site.