Output Panel

This panel shows the quantitative analysis of what is displayed in the viewer panel.

output panel

The output panel shows the metrics associated with your project.

It's broken up in to the following tabs:

  • Tabulation
  • Development - A summary of the deals created for your site(s)
  • Schemes - Compare different design options against each other
  • Errors - Any errors in your project will be listed here


  • Site
    • Acreage - the site area of all the land within the property line
    • FAR - floor area ratio (conditioned area/ site area)
    • DU/AC - dwelling units per acre (total units/ acreage)  
  • Multifamily 
    • Units - total number of units
    • Beds - # of units
    • Baths - # of bathrooms
    • A bar chart of unit categories with unit totals and percentages
    • Height - height of the building above grade
    • Average - unit average in square feet/meters
    • Efficiency - gross building area/ net rentable area
  • Parking 
    • Stalls - total number of stalls
    • Average - average area per stall (total garage area / total number of stalls)
    • Ratio - total number of stalls/ total units

Extended Tabulation

expanded tabulation
The extended tabulation gives a detailed breakdown of different area take-offs both per-floor and in total. This view is what is exported out to the .csv and .pdf.