Improvements to the fit and finish, as well as numerous crash fixes.
Improved default warehouse solve to optimize for NRSF
Optimized performance and behavior of high density solves with units of similar dimensions
Replaced File->Reset with File->New
The units, subdivisions, and parking stalls pop-ups will now automatically close when a different panel is selected in the navigation tree
Improved the controls for floating dialogs by making them easier to drag and having them restore centered on the main window
The light UI theme is now the default
Improved 3D experience for large plans by expanding the view distance by a factor of 10
Generally improved interaction with parcels to optimize for better sites and more predictable behavior.
Reported Issues & Bug Fixes:
Fixed a class of potential crashes in the high-density solver.
Fixed a crash that could occur when computing setbacks.
Fixed restoring from crash if a site was deleted from the parcel tool.
Fixed a potential crash in the garden configurator.
Fixed a crash when there are too many high density units with the same dimensions.
Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing after deleting the only site in a file.
Fixed a crash that could occur when interacting with parcels.
Fixed possible undefined behavior when creating sites from road loops.
Increased the number of default boundary segments when generating a site from roads.
Fixed the Subdivision - Static Footprint preset resulting in bad solves if the parcel footprint type was subsequently changed to something other than 'Static'.
Fixed the subdivision pop-up not correctly shrinking width-wise.
Closing the "Save As" dialog box without actually saving will no longer close the active file.
Fixed industrial warehouses sometimes failing to be placed.
Fixed being unable to brush extend or cut sites with parcels.
Fixed site duplication sometimes leaving pond spaces on the original site.
Fixed site exits sometimes changing placement after a site copy.