
Pipelines, store and organize deals and assets within your organization’s file system as needed.

By default, all users within an organization have the ability to create new pipeline in the organization's Deal Pipeline due to the “Everyone” group being granted “Editor” access to the Deal Pipeline by default.

Viewing Pipelines

In the portal, pipelines are displayed with a blank “Type” and “Created By” field unlike other items. “Type” is not displayed because pipelines do not have a file type in the same way that a deal (i.e. RSD file) or asset (i.e. .zoning, .garden, .preset, etc) would.

“Created By” is not displayed because pipelines are treated as organizational resources rather than individual resources where only individual resources (such as projects and assets) receive a value for the “Created By” field.

Deal Pipeline

Creating Pipelines

To create a Pipeline, hit the "Create Pipeline" button in the upper right, after which you'll be prompted to name it.

Create a pipeline

NOTE: Sub-folders are limited to a maximum depth of 20 within the TestFit portal file system.

Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Pipelines

Pipelines and their sub-contents may be moved to new locations within your organization’s file system as needed.

Selecting the Rename option from the action ellipsis associated with a pipeline will prompt the user to enter a new name for the given pipeline.

Empty pipelines have the ability to be deleted by users with sufficient permissions to do so (e.g. editor or manager).

moving a pipeline

Pipeline Permissions

Pipelines can have permissions applied or removed for individuals or groups of users within an organization. Pipeline permissions can only be viewed and updated by users with the “Manager” permission on the given pipeline or directory location.

Pipeline permissions

managing pipeline permissions