TestFit Release - 4.2.1


  •  Added USA Wetlands as a map data layer.
  • Added the ability to generate easements from the Flood Zones and Wetlands map data layers.
  •  Add Building and Add Drive are now available as context actions when performing manual edits in canvas or from the project tree.
  •  Added in-canvas highlights when hovering nodes in the nav-tree.
  •  Added parcels, flood zones, & wetlands to copy-to-clipboard images
  •  The nav-tree will expand parents of a layer selected in the canvas.
  •  The nav-tree will scroll to layers that are selected in the canvas.
  • Enabled tree placement on MacOS.


  • The boundary point limits for sites, spaces and easements have been substantially increased (from 16 to 64).
  •  Increased the max road segment limit to 64.
  •  Improved the quality and consistency of high-density solves under complex regions.
  •  Optimized the loading of map data layers to be faster and consume fewer system resources.
  •  Optimized parcel rendering.
  •  PDF exports now default to using tabloid page dimensions.
  •  Map and data layer settings are now tracked by the undo/redo system.
  •  Slightly increased the resolution of site boundaries yielded from roads and parcels.
  • Colors, multiple shadows, and context buildings are now all enabled by default in the 3D view.

Reported Issues & Bug Fixes:

  •  Fixed a crash that could occur if the "balcony counts as nrsf" preference was enabled.
  •  Fixed a case where units weren't placing on a podium site.
  •  Fixed some older files not allowing selecting amenity spaces in canvas.
  •  Enabled computers to show the screensaver while the app is idle.
  •  Fixed not being able to orbit when hovering over 3D elements.
  •  Fixed pinch-to-zoom on touchscreens by disabling the UI scale scroll-to-zoom.
  •  Fixed being able to exceed the max road limit.
  •  Fixed the copy-to-clipboard image background color in the light theme.
  •  Fixed not being able to create sites from small road loops.
  •  Fixed a crash that could occur when solving multi-family sites.
  •  Fixed visual flickering when hovering nodes in the nav-tree.
  •  Fixed render flickering when solving unselected sites.
  •  Fixed failed solves when solving unselected site with manual geometry.
  •  Fixed unnecessary map tile requests in 3D.
  •  Fixed saving/loading presets with manual changes.
  •  Fixed a crash that could occur when making manual edits to sites.
  •  Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing sites in 3D.
  •  Fixed some instances of z-fighting for inline spaces.
  •  Fixed the inability to drag spaces under certain conditions.
  •  Fixed some cases where the single-loaded parking toggle was incorrectly unavailable.
  •  Fixed garden sites with manual mode changes not maintaining their unit types when upgraded to TestFit 4.x files.
  •  Restored the ability to change easement colors.
  •  Garden buildings will no longer forget their uniform inline units configuration when re-loaded after saving.