- User can now define and export using Project North
- Views can also be rotated dynamically.
- Hovering over a preset for a site or region now displays a live preview of the resulting solution.
- A preview of a new and streamlined user interface for TestFit is now available and can be accessed via the button in the top left of the app.
- Reduced the minimum length for a boundary edge of a site, region or space to 5 feet.
- Added a warning when sites are placed too far from the file origin.
- Parking entrances can now be toggled for all types of parking.
Project North
Each file now has an optional Project North setting to rotate the 2D view in line with a site plan orientation.
Check out this article for more on Project North.
Solve Preview
Once a site has been defined, you can hover over the various presets and get a preview of how that site would be solved.
New User Interface
Meet the new TestFit user interface!
Click the toggle at the top (Windows only), or in TestFit > Preferences (both Mac and Windows) to activate the new UI. Check out this article for more detailed information.
Reported issues and bug fixes
- Fixed a crash when manipulating high density building levels and generally improved handling for building levels near limits.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when interacting with multi-family buildings in canvas.
- Fixed not being able to modify manual mode when gurban has no road loops.
- Fixed background images covering contour lines.
- Fixed manual mode spine hover incorrectly displaying on levels not occupied by the spines.
- Fixed manual mode widgets incorrectly displaying on levels outside their parent layer.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when deleting background images.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing higher levels of sites.
- Fixed inability to right-click to mirror units & verticals if they were not yet pinned.
- Fixed inability to right-click to add stair and/or elevator to existing verticals.
- Fixed "Unparked" multifamily solves sometimes failing to solve as a dependent fill region.
- Fixed grass overlapping inline spaces in drive network based sites.
- Fixed inline garden and parcel housing layers applying the inline space front setback.
- Fixed the "Comprehensive history" button being unclickable when the recent local projects list is long.
- Fixed offices inside industrial warehouses being double-counted in some statistics.
- Reduced the number of cases where high density sites fail to solve.