General Updates
New: Create Conceptual Cost Estimates in Cost Model
We’re launching a new way to do cost modeling in TestFit. You can now utilize the geometry created in TestFit to track your costs throughout feasibility and preconstruction quickly.
You can select specific geometry (unit types, facade areas, floor areas, etc.) and apply a cost to them. As your model gets updated, the costs will update in real-time.
Slope Drives, Intersections, and Parking
Since we launched 3D terrains a few months ago, we’ve continued improving how our model elements, like context buildings, interact with slopes.
Now you can flatten or slope drives, intersections, and parking based on topography allowing you to plan for complex sites more accurately.
Optimize with Higher Subdivision Density
We’ve increased the density for subdivision sites by approximately 25%, enabling more efficient and optimized layouts for single-family developments.
Generative Design Updates
Filter by Cut and Fill in Generative Design
With Generative Design, you can now add the following cut-and-fill-based filters:
- Cut
- Fill
- Earthwork Costs
- Earthworks Total
This helps you reduce earthwork costs or minimize total earthwork volume while optimizing for the best site layout.
Get the Best Solve Based on Custom Sorting and Filters
To further tailor Generative Design to your needs, the top solution based on your custom sorting and filter metrics will be automatically visible in your canvas until another solve is selected.
Urban Planner Updates
Generate Massing in Urban Planner
“Generate, then edit.” has always been our philosophy behind how TestFit works. Now you can do the same in Urban Planner.
With the new capability to generate massing models, you can quickly test different spatial relationships and programming on your site plans. For example, you can set the desired depth of a massing block (usually around 60’-70’) for apartment buildings to generate massing studies.
UI/UX Updates
Draw Regions and Spaces with Rectangle Draw Tool
Regions and spaces have become even easier to place with our new rectangle draw tool, making it simpler to quickly and accurately define rectangular spaces.
- Added low-detail wrap and podium presets.
- Added a user preference to toggle roofs on all sites.
- Secondary stalls have a lower minimum width to allow for use as bike parking.
- Named parking stalls are now exported to separate layers in DXF.
- Changed subdivision depth and depth flex to a minimum depth and a max flex.
- Exposed massing options for subdivisions on drive spine context menu.
Reported Issues & Bug Fixes:
- Fixed incorrect context building position when changing plan origin.
- Fixed "spline" shape showing up for layers even though it would have no effect.
- Fixed a bug with manual subdivision spines.
- Fixed spurious context buildings being displayed after loading.
- Fixed sites appearing under terrain under some failure conditions.
- Fixed incorrect building elevation for wraps with several buildings.
- Fixed flickering when previewing presets and Generative Design solutions.
- Fixed the Generative Design bar chart when a sorting metric is reversed.
- Fixed incorrect elevation of in-warehouse layers in industrial sites with manual edits.
- Improved performance when showing a scratch site with 3D terrain.
- Fixed per-level stats not updating as the scratch site changes.
- Fixed being able to lock the site by activating keys or modules while not owning the feature.
- Improved robustness of 3D terrain generation for sites and fixed artifacts.
- Fixed high-density using too much padding when multiple regions with different unit dimensions are present.
- Fixed high-density unallocated areas being too large when using multiple regions with different unit dimensions.
- Fixed drives staying dynamic when buildings are manual mode, which could cause inconsistent behavior.
- Improved the performance of entering manual mode.
- Fixed being able to hover presets that overflowed the visible scroll area.
- Increased the width of vertical scroll bars.
- Improved performance when dragging buildings in canvas.