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Using Zoning information

Starting with the 4.8 release of TestFit, zoning data is available directly in TestFit as an additional subscription.

To access zoning data from Zoneomics directly within TestFit, you'll need an additional subscription, more information can be found contacting by a sales representative.

Once subscribed, you'll see a new section in the Properties Panel under Zoning when you select the site layer in the Navigation Tree.

Here you will see what the parcel is zoned as, as well as the associated zoning parameters.

zoneomics under zoning

Defining setbacks

You can set the setbacks of your parcel to those defined by clicking "apply" next to the setback you want to use for the site.

zoneomics setbacks 3

Next to each setback, you'll see a symbol that lets you know where the setback data is coming from.

  • * = setback set automatically
  • ? = Zoning info isn't available
  • ! = You've manually changed the front/side/rear setback from a different value than the pulled zoning data.

zoneomics setbacks 2

Tracking zoning metrics

You can create a zoning profile to track your deal against particular zoning parameters by hit "Track" next to the available parameters.

add to zoning profile