TestFit Release - 4.4.0

Regions and spaces can now be grouped together for transformation.


- Ability to Pin/Rotate/Duplicate Industrial, Garden, and Townhouse Buildings (right click on object in Canvas)
Duplicate ID GRDN and TH buildings

- Ability to Duplicate Above (right click on object in Canvas or layer in Nav-Tree)

- Added a warning when a drive layer has both manual drive spines and site accesses (these are incompatible and only the manual drive spines will appear in the solve).

- Added drag and rotate handles for high-density garages.


- Added a warning when a drive layer has both manual drive spines and site accesses (these are incompatible and only the manual drive spines will appear in the solve).



- Improved  the appearance of manual mode garage dragging.

- Improved the styling and visual feedback of shape construction tools.

- Improved custom stall ratio accuracies.

- Improved layer dragging logic to prevent back and forth jumps in the Navigation Tree.

- Improved visual warning feedback of townhome & industrial buildings

Failed to Solve Red Box for Industrial

Reported Issues & Bug Fixes:

 - Fixed failure to place site access elements on small sites.

 - Fixed being able to change levels of the stalls layer and create invalid configurations.

 - Fixed generating schemes from presets overflowing the maximum number of schemes.

 - Fixed a bug where switching the preset of high-density podium garages would leave a corrupted state.

 - Fixed being able to add spaces as a child of high-density stalls.

 - Fixed custom stalls not highlighting correctly on hover.

 - Fixed a bug where an additional site would sometimes be created when creating a new site or region.

 - Fixed high-density fill bug where the layer's shape type would become un-editable.

 - Fixed layers sometimes disappearing from the Nav-Tree.

 - Fixed highlights being shown for elements of different regions or sites.

 - Fixed the manual handles for spines being incorrect after dragging or rotating a high density garage.

 - Fixed an icon size error for view tabs in 3D.

 - Fixed outdated spines being shown while dragging a garage.

 - Fixed manual mode spines not being interactive when behind a high density amenity.

 - Fixed inline units (e.g. in garden) not being selectable from the containing region.

 - Fixed boundary handle interactions of the current selection selecting siblings instead of changing the boundary.

 - Fixed hovering over housing layers causing all other layers to highlight as if hovered over.

 - Fixed warehouse buildings not correctly contributing to the tabulated overall site height.

 - Fixed crashes that could occur due to the guide and building tools not exiting properly.

 - Fixed a crash that could occur when manipulating layers while placing a garage.

 - Fixed the change axis button being incorrectly hidden for some industrial dependent fill regions.

 - Fixed the context menu cutting off the "Add Fill Region" and "Add Free Region" text.

 - Fixed the license and measurement change windows being too small on high DPI monitors.

 - Zoom-to-fit for multifamily building layers will now select a level having units if one is not already selected.

 - Improved custom stall ratio accuracies.

 - Improved layer dragging logic to prevent back and forth jumps in the Nav-Tree.